Short Biography of Margo Balcerek
Margo Was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1958.
She always had an intrest in art and gardern design.
Landscape Architecture seemed a perfect combination of those two intrests.
Margo moved to the US in the early eighties and earned her degree in Landscape
Architecture from Washington State University.
After graduation she worked for a university hortucultural department.
At the time, she developed her intrests in design and art by painting floral, landscape and abstract compositions using oils as her favorate medium.
About 2001 Margo was noticed by one of North Carolina's premier galleries and her career
as professional artist took off.
From then, Margo progressed to exhibit in best galleries including the most prestigious and
oldest gallery in Atlanta - The Lagerquist Gallery.
Margo constantly develop new approches, color schemes and styles and enjoys an intrest from
publishers who believe that her work is exceptionally well suited for reproduction.
Margo lives near Raleigh, North Carolina with her husband Roman, her two sons, Lucas and
She is a happy and satisfied person since she is able to do what she always wanted - tak care
of her family, work in the gardern and always work on her new canvases.